Easter at Greenwood Christian!

Join us Easter weekend for a time of rememberance, celebration, and impact!

Good Friday Service

Friday, April 18  |  7pm

We'll start Easter weekend with a powerful time of reflection on Good Friday, as we remember the sacrifice made for us by our Savior. We'll have an stripped back service that will last about 45 minutes.

Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday, April 19  |  2-4pm

GC Kids is hosting a family-friendly event with crafts, the Easter story, refreshments, and an egg hunt! We’ll have a Sensory Hour from 1-2pm. The event will be rain or shine! All activities will be held indoors if it rains.

Easter Services

Sunday, April 20  |  9:30 & 11am

We'll wrap up Easter weekend on Sunday, where we'll turn it up a notch to celebrate our Savior's resurrection! Our Easter services will be upbeat and last about an hour. We can't wait to celebrate with you!